ProjectsYSBN reference strains

Y40382YSBN1yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY2/FY3;MATa/MATalpha; ho::TEF1p-hph-TEF1t/ho::loxP-TEF1p-ble-TEF1t-loxP; ura3-52::URA3/ura3-52::URA3
Y40383YSBN2yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY2/FY3;MATa/MATalpha; ho::loxP-TEF1p-ble-TEF1t-loxP/ho::TEF1p-hph-TEF1t; ura3-52::URA3/ura3-52::URA3
Y40384YSBN3yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY2;MATalpha; ho::loxP-TEF1p-ble-TEF1t-loxP; ura3-52::URA3
Y40385YSBN4yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY2;MATalpha; ho::TEF1p-hph-TEF1t; ura3-52::URA3
Y40386YSBN5yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY3;MATa; ho::loxP-TEF1p-ble-TEF1t-loxP; ura3-52::URA3
Y40387YSBN6yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY3;MATa; ho::TEF1p-hph-TEF1t; ura3-52::URA3
Y40388YSBN7yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY2;MATalpha; ho::loxP-TEF1p-ble-TEF1t-loxP; ura3-52
Y40389YSBN8yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY2;MATalpha; ho::TEF1p-hph-TEF1t; ura3-52
Y40390YSBN9yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY3;MATa; ho::loxP-TEF1p-ble-TEF1t-loxP; ura3-52
Y40391YSBN10yeast strain isogenic to S288C; derived from FY3;MATa; ho::TEF1p-hph-TEF1t; ura3-52

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YSBN reference strains at SGD